Sunday, July 17


FIONA Crystal's Love

               AS LONG AS FOREVER           -


As long as forever is
I will see your sweet face
Never could I turn away
No matter the sorrow
I see in the water near by
As long as forever is,
I will hold you in my heart
I do not understand why you walked away Maybe in the sky so blue I was a mystery to you
As long as forever is
I will see your sweet face
Never could I turn away
No matter the sorrow
I see in the water near by
As long as forever is
There you will be
I can see you now looking at the soul of me I do not no when your love turned away from me For I did not ask to be set free
As long as forever is
The sun will always shine
I can see you in my mind
Flowers of ever shape and sides
Bird flying before my eyes
As long as forever is
I will made it, though I cry
All I wanted was to walk with you
Where ever you go my love,
I wanted to go with you
When you feel a love so real
It may fade away yet never leave
You live deep inside of me
As long as forever is
You live in my eyes
All I see when I think of you is
How I believed your love was true
You are an eternal flame
Not time or space
Can chance what took place.
For I made a promise I will always keep
As long as forever is
We will someday meet

Written by: Linda Ann Henry 
Do you remember me
The people’s poet


FIONA Crystal's Love

A king called all of his wise men and counselors together for a meeting. He addressed them and said: “I want you to go and think, read, and research. Consult the wisest and most learned men in the land. Spare no expense. I want you to find the ONE statement that will get me through all situations in life. Whether I am on top of the world or in the pits, find that statement. I don’t want to learn long and complicated philosophies. I want one simple statement. Find it or write it; I don’t care, just bring me the statement.”
The men left and consulted for months. They finally returned and handed the King a scroll. The King unrolled the scroll.
On it was written four words: “THIS TOO SHALL PASS
That was it. The wise men explained. When you are on top of the world, that is but a fleeting moment, things change, always remember, this too shall pass. When you are in the pits, all nights are followed by day, at your lowest moments remember also, this too shall pass. All external circumstances and material things change.
No matter what your circumstances, remember, THIS TOO SHALL PASS!
The wise men reminded the great King that this would get him through his earthly things but the truly wise knew there were things beyond this earth and life. Things those were eternal. True wisdom they reminded the King was in the ability to recognize the fleeting temporal things of the material world from the truly eternal things.
O Great King they said, “Most of the things that you worry or gloat about are temporary and our four words apply.”
Dear Readers, for most of your situations. . . THIS TOO SHALL PASS!